Hometown: Newberry Springs, California
Music Genres: My favorite music genres are country and classic rock. I love George Straight, Chris Stapleton, Zach Bryan, Zac Brown Band, Luke Combs, The Eagles and Pink Floyd.
Describe yourself as an artist: I try to write stories that people can relate to, drawing from my own personal life experiences. I’ve been playing guitar for over 20 years, all self-taught, but singing live is a newer chapter for me.
What makes you unique as an artist: My ability to write heartfelt, poetic lyrics with catchy hooks that fuse modern country with traditional country sounds that often incorporate fingerstyle guitar.
What instruments do you play? Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and dabble in piano.
Tell us about yourself, personality and principles: I’m a husband and a father to two young amazing boys. Family always comes first. Although I’m rather introverted, I absolutely love sharing my music with others.
Do you have any hobbies or interest outside of music? I’m a very creative person, always finding new ways to express myself, whether it’s through drawing, writing, or going all out to create memorable experiences for my kids. I love being active with them, playing sports and spending time outdoors, but I also enjoy those quiet, relaxing moments at home with my family.
What inspired you to start playing and performing music? Although my mom and dad were the biggest musical influences in my early life, it wasn’t until my dad passed away that I picked up a guitar. I used music to heal my grief. I haven’t put the guitar down since.
In your opinion what makes a great song? Relatable story telling along with a catchy hook that gets stuck in your head.
Do you write music? Yes, I wrote my first song 8 years ago, called Barstow to HB. I just finished recording my debut album with Curt Ryle featuring 9 original songs. Even after recording, I haven’t stopped writing—new songs keep coming!
If so, describe your creative process in your song writing: I always write songs by myself, but I love when people give me ideas for inspiration. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with the hook and write it down and finish the chord progressions and verses the next day. Other times, the chord progression and the rhythm bring out the words in me.
When did you first perform and what was it like? I first performed at Hangar 24 and played lead guitar for a Fleetwood Mac cover band a couple of years ago. Although I was nervous, once I started, the music settled me down. I realized that I love performing in front of people and feeling the energy of the crowd.
Who are your influences? Jackson Browne and Kris Kristofferson for their poetic lyrics. Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac for his finger picking style, and David Gilmor from Pink Floyd for his powerful and intricate solos.
What awards have you won for your music? I’ve only been performing for people live for a very short period of time so I haven’t won any awards as of yet. My real goal is to share my music with others and move them in some way.
What advice would you give to someone who is trying to break into music? Be prepared for the ups and downs. Be patient and if you are passionate about what you do, it will come.
If you could meet anyone living or otherwise who would it be? I would love to meet David Gilmore. Every note that he plays brings out such emotion; he makes his guitar cry.